Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Chippy, a friend of mine, pointed me to the Heise developer SoftwareArchitekTOUR podcast (german), especially to the episode one about the usage of patterns. Chippy is a former colleague and at that time we were discussing a lot about pattern driven software architectures and code generation.

The podcast says that patterns are literature, made for humans by humans. It says it is not possible to provide feasible pattern implementations, especially because instantiations of a pattern always differ from each other. The example was an object which has different roles from different patterns at the same time.

For me this is no proof of impossibility, but an argument that current software techniques do not support this. I want to know more so I am going to read some of the referenced books.

Unfortunately the podcast has no shownotes. So I went through the references myself and created the following list in chronological order:

I am no particular Amazon fan, but I know no better way of linking to books. If you know something better, please let me know.

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