Major operating systems for wireless sensor networks (WSN) enforce an event-based programming paradigm for efficiency reasons. However, practice has shown that the resulting code complexity is hard to manage for software developers and leads to difficult problems during development, deployment, and operations. Thus, thread libraries for WSN applications have been introduced, but the efficiency constraints of the domain often lead to glaring restrictions of the supported thread semantics.
In contrast, compiler-assisted thread abstractions support threads without actually using threads at runtime. Instead, the thread-based code is automatically translated into equivalent event-based code. Currently, two different systems implement this idea, but both have severe limitations regarding both the thread semantics and the tool support.
Our goal is to demonstrate the potential of compiler-assisted thread abstractions by taking the next step and introducing a comprehensive system of compiler and debugger which supports cooperative threads with minor restrictions and which is also platform independent.
A Haskell-based compiler prototype shows the feasibility of our approach and preliminary results demonstrate that the generated code is efficient enough to be executed on wireless sensor network devices. Furthermore, existing optimization potential suggests that compiler-assisted thread abstractions can indeed outperform runtime-based solutions and compete with hand-written event-based code. We are currently working on completing the implementation of the tools and verifying these points by means of an extensive evaluation.